
I am Todd,

Leadership is about inspiring people to believe in themselves and their collective ability to achieve great things.

About Me

I am a dynamic executive with a passion for driving business success through teamwork. With a focus on people and results, I excel in transforming tech organizations into creative and impactful teams. My experience spans strategic and operational roles at Docker, Snapchat and Facebook, where I helped usher 2 public offerings and led 85 acquisitions. Dedicated to delivering real value, I emphasize customer-centric, secure, and cost-effective solutions that achieve outcomes at scale.

Business Growth CIO & COO


Vice President IT & Ops, Docker

2022 - 2024

Chartered to establish Cyber Security ushering the company through its inaugural compliance audits including SOC2 Types 1&2, Privacy Framework Cert, and ISO 27001. Resolve legacy data challenges by deploying a modernized central data structure and mature the data engineering org. Transition the business systems team to expanded capabilities as a revenue operations org. Launched physical asset management, mobile device management, detection & response, and customer trust services.

Sr. Manager IT, Snapchat

2016 - 2022

Modernized business operations, systems, network management, collaboration tooling, facilities, and crisis response supporting 42 global markets. Led the execution of M&As. Established a leadership training curriculum educating management personnel across the engineering organization. Advised the Finance team on best practices for hardware lifecycle management and procurement reconciliation.

Manager IT, Facebook

2012 - 2016

Assembled a team to execute global office builds supporting 50 markets while augmenting the management of the crisis response team. Formed a team of engineers to build and operate the tech stack supporting internal and external customer comms at scale. Also responsible for supporting the management of M&A activity and participate as a trainer developing management talent across the org.

Advisor, Xembly

2023 - Present

Advising on performance measurement, product development, and market opportunities.


Advisor, Valinor

2024 - Present

Advising on market fit, ideal customer profile development, and product enhancements

Board of Directors, Startup

2024 - Present

Advising founders of a SaaS enterprise startup in pursuit of series seed funding.


Mergers & Acquisitions

I’ve led the transitions of 85 M&As thus far. My style displays consideration for the change people experience and forges trusting relationships with founders. Some of the more noteworthy acquisitions I’ve had the pleasure of shepherding have been Atomic Jar, Mutagen, Bitstrips, Looksery, Zenly, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Oculus.

P&L Ownership

In my roles, I’m trusted with reporting financial performance to the Board of Directors, as well as, owning line items on both the company’s balance sheet and cash flow statements. I’m well experienced in briefing the CFO details supporting the P&L impact of my team’s business activities while responsible for $50M+ CapEx and $100M+ OpEx.

Public Offerings

Few people have the honor of working to bring a company through a successful public offering. I’ve had the privilege of working in support of 2 IPOs. In 2012 I supported the Facebook public offering and in 2017 I had the pleasure of doing the same for Snapchat.

Talent Acquisition

Throughout my career, I’ve had the pleasure of working with top talent across a wide breadth of technical fields. I’ve successfully made the business case and hired over 300 positions. My focus on hiring has been to assess how people perform in tough situations and their ability to invest in the welfare of others. I find these are important dimensions of character to hire for.

Revenue Growth

Supporting growth has been a common theme in my career. I’ve had the good fortune to support business operations for Facebook moving from $3.7B to $40B. At Snapchat, my team helped move from $400M to $4.6B. I’m most proud of my contributions at Docker where I was accountable for building a revenue operation fueling $60M to $180M in 18 months.


Startups tend to accrue technical debt, allowing them to move quickly during critical growth phases. A part of maturing is meeting regulatory standards to continue growing market share, protect data, and bolster financial integrity. I’ve successfully led the completion of SOC2, ISO27001, PFC, and SOX compliance.


Merger & Acquisition Integration

Team Builder

Change Management

Team Building

Service Delivery

Collaborative Innovation

Technology Architecture

Business Intelligence

Process Governance

Cultural Development

Strategic Roadmapping

Relationship Management


Cross-functional Influence

Technology Architecture

Regulatory compliance

Get To Know Todd - Q&A

What do you love?

I love my wife, my son, and music. More specifically, I love playing electric guitar and listening to my favorite musicians. My favorite artists to listen to are Jimi Hendrix, Red Hot Chili Peppers, John Mayer, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, Tool, and Niccolò Paganini.

What was your favorite activity in gym class?

DODGE BALL!!! (thwomp)

I also enjoyed mat ball. It’s like kickball, except the bases were 6’x8’ gym mats, you could have as many runners as you want on the same base, and you could run the bases in either direction. 2 laps to score.

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

2010. That year was filled with a lot of new beginnings for me along with some big wins that set my life on a really positive trajectory. A few people who mean a lot to me are gone now and that year, along with the following, I had spent some great times with them.

What life experience best prepared you for executive responsibility?

Fatherhood. As a parent, you have to know when to trust, who to trust, and how to trust—often to varying degrees given the circumstances. The experience of parenting helps with navigating that balance when faced with executive decisions. It’s important to understand the nuances of how to apply trust while coaching others to navigate new situations. It’s about tooling them up with guiding concepts and knowing when/how to step in and help.

Where do you most want to travel but have never been?

San Sebastián, Spain. I’d like to travel all over Spain, Portugal and the South of France, but I’ve romanticized about San Sebastian ever since I saw Mission Impossible 2 back in 2000. It was bolstered by everything I’ve ever seen and read about the location including Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown trip there.

What is one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?

I think we should teach people the difference between a friend and a coworker. The lines between the two are often blurred and I find that people run into tough challenges because they don’t distinguish between the two.

What character trait makes you most proud?

Integrity. It’s the most important character trait. It lays the foundation for teams, community and society. People doing exactly what they commit to, and owning their failures, is everything we seek in those that we interact with. The only regrets I have in life are moments I feel I didn’t act with integrity.

What is your favorite memory?

As a kid, my parents, brother and I would travel to the Poconos in PA to have Thanksgiving with Grandmama. She would cook an amazing meal and we’d play cards while watching football. The next day we would go to a Christmas Tree farm and cut down our tree on the mountain side. It was the best.

What do you think is missing in today’s business environment?

Grit. Successful companies have a workforce that can endure sustained challenges and suboptimal working conditions while maintaining pursuit of their objectives. Grit offers a perspective that views the glass as half full. It also helps to think offensively in a competitive marketplace. The difference between winners and losers over the long haul is grit. Few business environments have it, and I feel that is why most businesses fail.

If you were to create a piece of art, what would the subject be?

My wife. I can’t think of anyone more beautiful inside and out. I’ve never met anyone or with more integrity and love. I’d want to share my admiration for her with the rest of the world through a sculpture or mural.